February 29 – Look Before You Leap – Pick the Right Deployment Model for Your FileMaker Go Application

FileMaker Go is very easy to install, thanks to iTunes and the App Store. Many FileMaker applications are immediately accessible once FileMaker Go is installed, requiring little (if any) modification before your mobile users are connected and productive.

Despite this relatively ideal scenario, there are a number of important factors to consider when extending an application to users on any new platform, and FileMaker is no exception. Examples include the development style of the existing solution, security concerns, data availability requirements, the physical network topology and performance expectations. Picking the deployment model that takes all of these into account and is the best fit for your application is an essential part of any successful FileMaker Go rollout.

Join the FM Academy as we consider these factors and help you plot your path to deployment. Mark will illustrate your choices, discuss their respective pros and cons, and offer examples that demonstrate what type of real-world scenarios are best suited to each approach.

Topics Include:

  • Identifying and defining factors that can impact a successful deployment
  • Outlining your deployment options and their relative strengths and weaknesses
  • Matching your application’s requirements to the best deployment model

About Presenter:

Presenter Mark Richman formed Skeleton Key in 2004. He is certified in FileMaker versions 8 through 11 and is an Authorized FileMaker Trainer. When Mark isn’t running his company, or wrestling with his four sons, you can find him writing TechNet articles for FileMaker Inc., speaking at the FileMaker Developer’s Conference or evangelizing about how to get the best performance out of your FileMaker Pro application.